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李奧納多呼籲保護雨林 印尼政府揚言禁止入境

奧斯卡新科影帝李奧納多迪卡皮歐(Leonardo DiCaprio)3月底前往印尼蘇門答臘進行為期1天的參訪行程,隨後在社群媒體上發表文章,顯示對印尼環境的擔憂,沒想到此舉卻引起印尼政府的不滿,還揚言拒絕李奧納多入境。

根據印尼移民總局發言人赫魯(Heru Santoso)表示,李奧納多3月26日和隨行人員搭乘私人飛機抵達印尼瓜拉納穆機場(Kualanamu Airport),之後乘坐直升機飛往位在蘇門答臘北部的列尤擇山國家公園(Mount Leuser National Park),進行為期1天的參訪行程。



The lowland #rainforest of the Leuser Ecosystem are considered the world’s best remaining habitat for the critically endangered Sumatran #elephant. In these forests, ancient elephant migratory paths are still used by some of the last #wild herds of Sumatran elephants. But the expansion of Palm Oil plantations is fragmenting the #forest and cutting off key elephant migratory corridors, making it more difficult for elephant families to find adequate sources of food and water. The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation is supporting local partners to establish a mega-fauna sanctuary in the Leuser Ecosystem, last place on Earth where Sumatran orangutans, tigers, rhinos and elephants coexist in the wild. Click the link in the bio to stand with @haka_sumatra as they fight to protect the Leuser Ecosystem. #SaveLeuserEcosystem #Indonesia

Leonardo DiCaprio(@leonardodicaprio)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 3月 月 28 6:22下午 PDT 張貼

他在另一篇貼文則寫道:「列尤擇生態區(Leuser Ecosystem)是世界級生物多樣性的重要保育點,是東南亞最重要、保存完好的雨林區之一,它也瀕臨絕種的蘇門答臘猩猩的棲息地。然而大量種植棕櫚樹讓此地正面臨嚴重的破壞。」

A world-class biodiversity hotspot, the #Indonesian Leuser Ecosystem is one of the most important areas of intact #rainforest left in Southeast Asia. Its forests are home to the densest remaining populations of the critically endangered Sumatran #orangutan. But Palm Oil expansion is destroying this unique place. Now is the time to save the Leuser Ecosystem. We must develop a permanent solution to protect and restore this valuable natural asset. Click the link in the bio to stand up and #SaveLeuserEcosystem. #Indonesia

Leonardo DiCaprio(@leonardodicaprio)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 3月 月 29 9:21上午 PDT 張貼








李奧納多並不是第1個因為環境問題而惹毛印尼政府的好萊塢明星,以科幻經典《星球大戰》(Star Wars)系列聞名的影星哈里遜福特(Harrison Ford)2013年前往印尼拍攝環保紀錄片時,曾經因為向當地官員提出尖銳的訪問而惹惱印尼政府。